Fueling the Growth of Health Innovation in Arizona
The AZAdvances Capital Campaign includes fundraising for the AZAdvances Today Fund and philanthropic investments into the AZAdvances Legacy Endowment and the Arizona Health Innovation Trust Fund.
AZAdvances Today Fund
The AZAdvances Today Fund is a current use fund designed to accept donations, grants, and distributions from the AZAdvances Legacy Endowment and the Arizona Health Innovation Trust Fund. This fund provides the working capital for AZAdvances programs based on the needs of the life science ecosystem and the projects that have the greatest potential for future impact in accordance with our mission and as directed by the AZAdvances Board of Trustees.
To donate to the AZAdvances Today Fund, click here.
Arizona Health Innovation Trust Fund
The State of Arizona established the Arizona Health Innovation Trust Fund in 2022. This fund is designed to accept public and private monies that will grow over time under management by the Arizona State Treasurer’s Office (ASTO). The Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation entered into an endowment agreement with ASTO in 2022 and will receive the annual distributions supporting the AZAdvances initiative beginning in 2027. Annual distributions will be deposited into the AZAdvances Today Fund.
This structure provides donors with assurance that endowed funds will be appropriately managed in perpetuity with the State Treasurer as trustee. In addition, management by ASTO provides greater access to high quality investment opportunities to drive growth of the core capital of the endowment. Distributions from the fund are public funds and help to support maintaining OTEF’s public charity status.
OTEF’s endowment agreement with the ASTO requires an annual report be submitted to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the State Treasurer and the Secretary of State.
To view the statutory language, click here. Copies of Annual Reports and OTEF’s 990 report to the IRS are available upon request.
AZAdvances Legacy Endowment
The AZAdvances Legacy Endowment is a long-term, evergreen endowment designed to grow the core capital and make annual distributions into the AZAdvances Today Fund. AZAdvances Trustees evaluate applications to determine which programs and projects can deliver the greatest impact based on funds available.
Private equities generated from AZAdvances mission related investments are held within the AZAdvances Legacy Endowment. By reinvesting future returns from AZAdvances’ early stage investments, AZAdvances will grow the base endowment. Distributions will grow as the endowment grows. To maintain an appropriately diversified investment portfolio, additional core capital within the AZAdvances Legacy Endowment is invested in a growth-oriented, diversified portfolio of public and private investments.
Special Purpose Funds
Special Purpose Funds may be established based on donor request or grant awards for express purposes that are consistent with our mission. The terms of use are determined and agreed by the parties at the time of grant or donation. Special Purpose Funds are maintained in separate accounts and not comingled with other funds. Examples of Special Purpose Funds include, but are not limited to, grant awards with specified objectives, funds dedicated to support development of treatments and cures for a specific disease or condition, grants to support scholarships or other educational programs, endowments for entrepreneurial or research fellows, etc.
Community Support
As a 501c3 public charity, community support is essential. Donations of cash and other assets at every level of giving are greatly appreciated.
Ways to support AZAdvances
- Host a Salon at your home or business. AZAdvances team members will join you and your guests to share stories of health innovation and how it will shape a brighter future.
- Join us for an AZAdvances Event.
- Create your own fundraiser or fundraising team.
- Donate today.
Onless specifically designated by the donor, donations are deposited into the AZAdvances Today Fund.
Major Gifts
Our campaign goals include growing the AZAdvances Legacy Endowment and the Arizona Health Innovation Trust Fund to reach core capital balances of $200 Million or more. Major gifts help us reach our goals faster.
If you are interested in exploring a major gift, please contact us by email or call 480-332-9636.
Major gift and planned giving donors have the option to designate which fund or program they wish to support in the major gift agreement at the the time that the donation is made.
Planned Giving
Gifts of cash or other assets from your estate allow you to leave a financial legacy and impact Health Innovation in Arizona for years to come. There are many types of estate arrangements to suit your individual needs, including wills, living trusts and beneficiary designations.
Gifts from your will – With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will specifying a gift to the Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation as part of your estate plan.
Gifts from your trust – Your advisor can guide you to include language in your trust specifying a gift to the Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation.
Beneficiary of retirement assets – Among the most flexible of all charitable gifts, a beneficiary designation allows you to make a gift to support the Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation from your retirement assets.
Beneficiary of life insurance – You can designate the Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy.
Different types of planned giving can have tax benefits for you and/or your heirs. Please discuss your personal goals with your financial or legal advisors.