Bright Lights Health Innovation Salon Series

Bright Lights: Health Innovation Salons put Arizona Health Innovators in the spotlight in an intimate setting where guests get a front row seat and learn what is takes to create life changing and life saving health innovations. 

Bright Light sessions are kept small by design so that health innovation champions and innovators can have meaningful conversations. Contact AZAdvances to request an invitation.

Learn more about the Bright Lights Health Innovation Salon Series.

Voice of the Patient

Patients  are the reason we do what we do.  Voice of the Patient brings patients to the stage to share their stories and help us all learn more about health innovation from their perspective. 

The next Voice of the Patient event will be held on September 20,2024.  

The Student Discovery Zone

The Student Discovery Zone is a key component of the AZAdvances Talent Program. Each year, high schools and university students from across Arizona submit their research projects for technical evaluation by leading researchers.  All students participating have the opportunity to attend the AZBio Awards during Arizona Bioscience Week.  The top three students in each category are awarded scholarship prizes.   The next Student Discovery Zone Scholarship competition will begin in the spring of 2024 and the winners will be announced at the AZBio Awards on September 18th.  

Ponte Cura: The Bridge to Cures

Members of Arizona’s Health Innovation and Philanthropic Communities came together to celebrate science and the hope on September 30, 2022 at a private home in Paradise Valley, Arizona.  The evening included a VIP cocktail reception, a performance by virtuoso cellist, Michael Fitzpatrick, and an after party featuring Will from Brazil.  Ponte Cura 2023 brough the community together to Celebrate at the Arizona  Science Center.  In 2024, the celebration continues at we rock the night way at Park Central  for Ponte Cura 2024

Ponte Cura 2022

Virtuoso cellist Michael Fitzpatrick entertains at Ponte Cura.

Ponte Cura 2023

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Phoenix, Arizona