Honorary Co-chairs Monique and J.P. Millon
invite you to join us for an evening of music, dancing, and community
as we celebrate another successful Arizona Bioscience Week!
Friday, September 29, 2023 | 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. | Arizona Science Center

Join the Celebration!
Connect with Health Innovators, Business Leaders, and AZAdvances Supporters.
Entertainment: The Instant Classics
Catering: M-Culinary
Atmosphere: the Arizona Science Center
Tickets and Sponsorship Opportunities
Individual Tickets: $250 ($200 before 8/31/2023)
VIP Ticket: $350 ($300 before 8/31/2023)
Party of 10 with VIP reserved seating $3,500
Help Support the Next Generation
of Health Innovators.
Sponsor options are also available on the registration site or contact us for more information.
Net proceeds from this event will be donated by AZBio to the Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation to support student internships provided through the AZAdvances Talent program.
AZAdvances Talent programs include internships, scholarships, and other opportunities to develop our next generation of Health Innovators. Students gain real world experience that helps them chart the course for their future.
Your support of AZAdvances helps us create more stories like these.

I have been interested in the life sciences since I was a young child. I came to Arizona from Philadelphia to pursue my Neuroscience PhD. During graduate school I immersed myself in the mysteries of neuroscience and intricacies of working in a laboratory. However, during this process I gained a greater interest in the application of my science and the broader bioscience industry. This internship has provided me with opportunities to learn about the many aspects of the biosciences that I had not been exposed to during graduate school. This experience has helped me to feel empowered as I move further into my career. I have had the opportunity to expand my career options with the ability to apply my skillset in sectors that I previously was unaware. From pharmaceutical companies to biotechnology startups to innovative hospital cores, I have had the privilege of interacting firsthand with leaders in the global life science ecosystem. Moreover, I have been directly involved in the planning of novel initiatives, including writing grants to help continue the momentum of innovation here in Arizona. In conclusion, this internship has been a transformative experience enriching my understanding of the bioscience industry and bolstering my capabilities as I progress in my career. I am truly excited to embark on the next phase of my journey, ready to make meaningful contribution to the world of bioscience with the leaders and mentors that I have been so lucky to connect with.

When I started my internship with HUG Clinic and AZAdvances, I was very nervous but excited. During my interview I had the idea that I was going to work at my college’s clinic, so I had some expectations of my job. I expected to help patients with their appointments and keep the clinic in order. But there was also another detail I was not too sure about, which was the SaPHE Lab. I did not know what kind of lab it was or what work to expect from the lab. Although I did not know what to expect it sounded interesting to me, and I wanted to learn what the lab was about. I expected to learn about what it would be like working in the medical field since I am pursuing a career in that area. Overall, I had high expectations to learn many new things in this internship that would help me with my professional growth. Now that my internship has ended, I would say my expectations of the internship were similar to what I imagined but there were also other expectations that I had not thought about. My expectations about working in the clinic were correct and for the SaPHE Lab I came in with an open mind.
While working at HUG Clinic I gradually learned new things about the clinic and what was expected by me. I remember first learning the basics such as preparing new patient folders, learning the gym machines and how to clean them, filing away folders, and building a schedule for the appointments. Then I got to learn more exciting tasks such as maintaining the ultrasound rooms, the SaPHE Lab, special projects, and working at the front desk of the clinic. After learning all the tasks I was expected to do it helped me have a daily routine. Mondays I am down in the SaPHE Lab moving the ceiling lifts and changing the batteries out of the floor lifts. I clean the gym and clinic floor and make sure everything is stocked for services. I will also make confirmation calls to confirm with patients that they are coming to their appointment for the next day. Then I clean and stock the ultrasound rooms. For Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I will work at the front desk when there are services or when Tiffany is not here. Depending on the patients’ needs I will gladly translate for them. Once again, I make confirmation calls for the next day’s appointments, set up the schedule, and pull the patients charts. When services are done, I go around the clinic’s floor to clean and restock equipment. On Thursdays I am at the front desk again checking in ultrasound patients and helping them out based on what they need. If I get the chance I will clean and stock the ultrasound rooms and clinic but usually I, do it on Mondays. Every day of the week I book patients for their appointments, clean and stock the clinic, and answer the phone. I also do special projects when needed for the clinic and SaPHE Lab such as reorganizing and keeping track of equipment. I also get to participate in safe patient handling classes that happen in the SaPHE Lab.
It has been easy creating a daily routine and doing my job because of the help from Tiffany, Heather, and Rosie. They all have made it easy to learn skills I would need at my internship as well as for the future. Most of the teaching was hands on and verbal, which made learning easy. But each person has taught me in their own unique way. I appreciate the time and effort everyone at the clinic has dedicated to preparing me for a future career in the healthcare field. The clinic and staff have shown me what should be expected of a clinic and of myself anywhere I go.
I believe that AZAdvances is doing a wonderful job providing internship opportunities for students in the career that they are studying for. With this internship I feel better prepared for my future career. If there are future opportunities like this through AZAdvances or AZBio, I would gladly take it. I want to thank HUG Clinic and AZAdvances for welcoming me and teaching me all these wonderful skills and giving me a wonderful experience throughout this internship

My name is Samantha Hay. I recently graduated from Arizona State University. I received two degrees from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, a B.A. in Psychology, and a B.A. in Communication. I spent my final semester at ASU interning as a Communications Coordinator. From my time interning, I learned a lot about marketing for different audiences and spent time looking at the analytical side of marketing. I found myself drawn to this internship because I have always expressed interest in the life sciences and sustainability. I felt that my learning throughout my time as an intern was always supported by those around me and best set me up for my career. Overall, my learning experience throughout the semester was extremely positive, and I was able to make great connections in my time. Through this internship, I landed a full-time position with DSV Global Transport and Logistics company in their Inventory Management Solutions sector. I can take my knowledge and experience and apply it to my full-time position. Throughout the internship, I learned much about the analytical side of marketing through Hootsuite. I checked brand awareness, post engagements, the reach of each post, and which posts did the best. By tracking all of this, I was able to make sure that posts were going out at the best possible time to receive the highest engagement and overall reach. I can take this knowledge and apply it to expand the DSV audience through my knowledge of marketing.
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About the Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation
The Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation (OTEF) is a 501c3 public charity formed in 2005. OTEF is Arizona based. Our programs support people and organizations that create hope.
OTEF first began working with AZBio on programs to engage and inspire the next generation of health innovators in the Student Discovery Zone. Since its inception in 2011, over 1,400 students have had the opportunity to showcase their science work and make industry connections.
Today, OTEF is building on this successful program though our newest initiative, AZAdvances.
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Thank You Ponte Cura Sponsors!
Visit the AZAdvances Donor Wall to learn more about the people and organizations supporting AZAdvances.
A Special Thank You to AZBio for supporting this event and our goal to provide more internships and scholarships for Arizona Students exploring careers in the life sciences. Click here to learn more about AZBio.
A Special Thank You to the Arizona Science Center for supporting this event and our goal to provide more internships and scholarships for Arizona Students exploring careers in the life sciences. Click here to learn how you can support the Arizona Science Center.