Health Innovation Spotlights: Innovations in Food Safety

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Innovations in Food Safety

A case of food poisoning can really spoil your day. The CDC estimates 48 million people get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die from foodborne diseases each year in the United States.  In 2021, over 11.5 MILLION pounds of food was recalled by the FDA from just 7 suppliers and there were more food recalls. With teams in Scottsdale and Tucson, PathogenDx has developed a rapid food environmental monitoring test to help food producers identify food-borne pathogens in the same shift to test their processes and products before they ship to help keep your food free of the contaminants that can make you sick and so that they can avoid the need for recalls. 

Headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona, PathogenDx’s mission is to become the new standard in DNA-based testing through widespread adoption of its advanced microarray testing platform for the human diagnostics, food and agricultural industries. PathogenDx’s technology can rapidly identify and detect up to 50 pathogens all in a single test, in six hours providing triplicate data per analyte for certainty in results with a simple and easy process. The company’s DNA-testing products – Detectx™, Quantx™ and Envirox™ are disrupting the century-old practice of petri-dish testing to identify, detect and quantify pathogens that are a threat to human health, their ecosystem and the environment. This technology will help growing businesses deliver safer products and healthier lives, while preventing billions of dollars in losses from infection and contamination. 

Learn more about PathogenDx.

Throughout 2022, Sonoran Living fans will have the opportunity to learn about the Arizona life science innovators who are working to make life better for all of us.  To learn more about Arizona Health Innovations, visit

Sonoran Living Health Innovation Spotlights and Segments are produced by ABC15 and are  paid for by AZBio.

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Phoenix, Arizona