

Meet AZAdvances Intern Lexi Yakimovich

Isabella Bigando (left) & Lexi Yakimovich (right)

Lexi Yakimovich recently graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Science in medical microbiology in May 2024, and is continuing her studies in an accelerated program for a Master of Science in microbiology. When she applied for an AZAdvances Talent Internship, she was looking to gain valuable experience cultivating her skills from research and continuing to learn and expand her knowledge in the scientific field.

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Meet AZAdvances Intern Jenna Materna

I always knew I wanted to spend my career helping others. I grew up wanting to pursue anything and everything from becoming a UN ambassador to wanting to cure cancer. The allure of the opportunity to help advance the field of medicine is what led me to double major in biomedical engineering and biochemistry at Arizona State University. Though I entered college still unsure of how I wanted to help people, I knew that having the opportunity to problem solve through engineering would be an amazing way to learn about myself and how I can best contribute to the field of medicine. 

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Phoenix, Arizona