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The Arizona Health Innovation Trust Fund is an engine for growth

The Arizona Health Innovation Trust Fund (AHIT) was created by statute in 2022 and established under the Arizona State Treasurer’s Office (ASTO) with the State Treasurer as trustee. In 2023, Arizona’s elected leaders have the opportunity to capitalize AHIT as part of the FY2024 budget process. This investment in Arizona’s future continues the process that the Senate, House, and Governor began in 2022.

On December 29, 2022, the State Board of Investment approved the  contract with the Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation to deliver the programs that AHIT supports through AZAdvances. 

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AZAdvances Talent Program Internship Opportunities this February

A component of the  AZAdvances Talent Program, AZAdvances internships are designed to support Arizona students as they explore career paths in health and life sciences.  Internships are created in partnership with AZBio member organizations and are supported though grants and donations to the Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation’s benefiting the AZAdvances initiative.

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Phoenix, Arizona